Firefighters responding to minor fire find second bigger fire to fight

Firefighters putting out the fire in the staff quarters.

SRI AMAN, Aug 20: Firefighters responding to a minor fire at the 13th Royal Malay Regiment (RAMD) Pakit camp canteen ended up rushing next door for a bigger fire in one of the staff quarters.

According to the Fire and Rescue Department (Bomba) operations centre (PGO), they received an emergency call at 9.40am alerting them that there was a fire at the camp’s canteen.

Eight firefighters and three senior officers were despatched to the scene.


However, upon arrival, they were told that the fire which had started from a lantern, was extinguished by canteen staff.

Fire and smoke are seen coming out from a unit on the third floor of the Pakit army camp staff quarters.

While they were monitoring the situation to ensure that it was completely under control, suddenly they were informed that there was thick smoke billowing from the staff quarters next door.

It was then they saw a blazing fire in one of the flats on the third floor.

Although the unit was 100 per cent destroyed, firefighters managed to successfully prevent the fire from spreading further.

The fire from the flat is believed to have been caused by a short circuit. — DayakDaily
