Federal govt could face legal action over CMCO — PBK president

Voon Lee Shan

KUCHING, May 5: PBK asserts the federal government could be taken to court for its decision to implement the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) which began yesterday.

Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) president Voon Lee Shan believes the federal government may be held responsible if citizens were to die following its directive.

“I humbly say that the federal government could also be sued for reckless decision and/or for not taking (into consideration) proper precaution and expert medical and scientific advice to U-turn its previous order.


“To me, it should be gross negligence and manslaughter if citizens die by following directives of the government. It is a known fact we have not won the war against Covid-19 yet,” Voon emphasised in a press statement.

He opined that a lockdown is technically a war strategy against Covid-19 while at the same time, protects the citizens, adding that between the economy and public health, the latter should take precedence.

“The government should not fall into (sic) the dictate of some powerful businessmen to open business. These businessmen may not die easily because they will lock themselves at home but their workers will. Our government should not try to be clever and get industries to reopen in the hope everything will be alright,” Voon asserted.

The former Batu Lintang assemblyman cited the Great Plague of Marseille 1720 to support his argument.

In 1720, a ship was quarantined at the port of Marseille, France because a strange infection was killing people on the ship. According to Voon, the Deputy Mayor of Marseille lifted the quarantine to “help economy”.

Following that, the bubonic plague swept through the city and killed 100,000, including those in Marseille and others in surrounding provinces and towns.

“As they lifted the quarantine and moved the goods (from the ship) into the city of Marseille, they moved in the infection. More than half of Marseille’s citizens died.

“The Great Plague of Marseille should serve as a huge warning to governments to never prioritise “economy” before human lives and public health. It can be a very costly,” Voon added. — DayakDaily
