Fed minister to launch 39th National Chinese Cultural Fest with torch-lighting ceremony on Sept 13

Wee (front, fourth right), Tiong (front centre), and others during a recent courtesy visit to Tiong's ministry.

By Dayak Daily Team

KUCHING, June 10: Malaysian Tourism, Arts, and Culture Minister Dato Sri Tiong King Sing will officiate the launching of the torch-lighting ceremony in conjunction with the 39th National Chinese Cultural Festival organised by the Federation of Chinese Association Sarawak (FOCAS) within the Kuching City South Council (MBKS) vicinity this coming September 13.

FOCAS president cum organising chairman Dato Richard Wee Liang Chiat stated that the torch-lighting ceremony is the focal point in a series of events during the festival from June to September.


“We have already discussed the details of the activities with Tiong during our courtesy visit to him at his ministry, and the torch is to arrive at MBKS at 10.30am during the launching,” he said in a statement today.

Wee further disclosed that a Walkaton would be held on September 14, at 6.30am at MBKS, with its mayor, Dato Wee Hong Seng, as the guest of honour.

He added that after the torch arrives in Kuching, a series of events will follow, including a calligraphy competition, Chinese chess tournament, mooncake-making contest, lantern-making competition, lantern parade, food festival, cultural village tours, and a grand finale of gala performances.

“The festival promises to leave a lasting impression on attendees,” he said. — DayakDaily
