Express buses require passengers to wear face masks

Siaw inspecting a bus counter on SOP compliance with Ariffin.

SIBU, June 12: Express bus companies have been instructed to deny passengers from boarding if they refuse to put on face masks.

Sibu Resident Charles Siaw told reporters after inspecting the express bus terminal today that SOP compliance required that all bus passengers wear face masks before they embark on their journey.

The inspection was conducted following a report that bus passengers had refused to wear face masks.


“I want to remind express bus passengers that it is also for their own good by adhering to the SOP. Bus drivers also have the right not to move if there are passengers without face masks,” he said.

Siaw said that though policemen were carrying out inspections, operators should not expect that they would be there every day.

“A lot of the time, we also have to depend on the companies and drivers as policemen cannot be static there every day. So their cooperation including those of passengers are important for SOP compliance,” said Siaw.

Sibu Crime Prevention and Community Policing Department, DSP Ariffin Bahar said their monitoring at the terminal is divided into two shifts from 8am to 4pm. Each shift consists of 10 policemen.

Meanwhile, Siaw said he would inform Sibu Municipal Council (SMC) to do markings on the seats in the terminal to ensure social distancing.

On the number of passengers each bus could carry, he said there was no ruling that disallowed buses from having a full capacity of between 38 to 40 passengers for each bus.

“So far there is no ruling on full capacity. If there is a restriction on the number of passengers, it might result in an increase in bus fare,” he said.—DayakDaily
