Enjoy Limbang Rojak loaded with fresh ‘sotong’ chunks for only RM8! (Travelogue Day 6)

The legendary Limbang Rojak.

By D’Drift Team

SIBU, Mar 27: “Omg, so good!”, “Wow, it’s loaded with big, chewy sotong pieces!”, “Mmm… Nyaman lah!” — these were some of our responses after devouring three plates of the legendary Limbang Rojak in Limbang yesterday (Mar 26).


Our taste buds went crazy for this dish, which consists of cucumber chunks, kangkung (water spinach), and tofu pieces, together with the dish’s star component, fresh sotong (squid) chunks, combined in a thick, sweet and spicy shrimp-based paste and dusted with grated peanuts. And the fact that the Rojak Biasa only costs RM8 impressed us.

Limbang Rojak, located on Jalan Buangsiol in the sleepy town of Limbang, first opened in Bangunan Tamu Limbang, which houses the Limbang wet market and has been operating for 30 to 40 years.

Limbang Rojak is located on Jalan Buangsiol in Limbang.

Their menu include Rojak Biasa, Sotong, Sotong Kangkung Tauhu, Sotong Kangkung, Sotong Tauhu, Sotong Timun, and Sotong Mangkuan in Normal and Large sizes. Customers can even add on extra ingredients, with a total of six options.

Limbang Rojak’s business appears to be thriving, as we observed many customers ordering in bulk for takeaway. It is open every day except Tuesday and operates from 12.30pm to 5.30pm.

Thanks to Chua, a resident of Limbang and a family friend of one of our D’Drift Team members, for bringing us to try one of the town’s must-eats after yesterday’s exciting and educational day of exploration in Limbang.

Limbang Rojak’s menu

Sports Gallery, a haven for athletes

After a relaxing tea break, we decided to visit Chua’s sports shop, ‘Sports Gallery’, which is right next door to Limbang Rojak.

We were blown away by the variety of items sold in his shop. There are numerous sports supplements and equipment for activities such as hiking, badminton, and swimming, among others.

Chua, who is 71 this year, informed us that he is a marathon runner and has participated in a number of marathons, including the Kuching Marathon, as well as hiked several famous landmarks, including the Mulu Pinnacles and Mount Kinabalu, among others. We are impressed by his vitality and strength for someone of his age.

We were also impressed by the many medals he has received over the years, which are displayed in his shop and office, which we visited yesterday before returning to Miri.

Athletes can visit his shop when in Limbang or look up ‘Sports Gallery’ on Facebook to check out the items he sells.

Sports Gallery
Chua’s medals

Catching the sunset as D’Drift Team journeyed from Miri to Bintulu and to Sibu

Today, we drove from Miri City to Bintulu Town via the coastal highway and then back to Sibu Town via the Pan Borneo Highway, which took about 5-6 hours in total.

It was a pretty pleasant ride along the coastal highway from Miri City to Bintulu Town, and we got to take in the scenery on the way. However, the journey from Bintulu Town to Sibu Town via the Pan Borneo Highway was quite bumpy as some sections of the road still being under construction.

In the late evening, we were able to catch a glimpse of the sun setting over the mountains as we approached Sibu Town.

Catching a glimpse of the sun setting over the mountains.

As night falls, the search for Fort Emma in Kanowit and Fort Sylvia in Kapit, as well as other landmarks, will continue tomorrow. — DayakDaily
