Engagement important to increase local participation in oil, gas and energy sector

Dr Hazland (seated centre) flanked by Abdul Karim on his left in a group photo with participants of Petros Industry Connect on Feb 10, 2023.

KUCHING, Feb 11: Engagements with industry players is an important catalyst in supporting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Sarawak towards capturing the opportunities and to increase participation of Sarawak contractors in the oil and gas and energy sector.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Environment Sustainability Dr Hazland Abang Hipni said open and honest communication is the key to pushing Sarawak forward to achieve the ambitious targets set out by the Sarawak government under the leadership of Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg in the Post-Covid Development Strategy (PCDS) 2030.

“PCDS is the guide towards a better and stronger Sarawak, with creating more business and job opportunities, and accelerating capability building, at the forefront to realise the aspiration of being a developed region by 2030 and a thriving society, where everyone enjoys economic prosperity, social inclusivity and sustainable environment.


“Events such as Industry Connect should be emulated by other industries as well. I hope to see more similar events in the future,” he said in a media release today.

He highlighted this as the closing ceremony of Petroleum Sarawak’s (Petros) inaugural Industry Connect with Sarawak Chambers of Commerce held at a hotel here yesterday (Feb 10).

Co-hosted with Sarawak Business Federation (SBF), the Industry Connect event was aimed at sharing of Petros’ role in the management of oil and gas resources in Sarawak, what future projects Petros will be executing in the near future, and the opportunities available to the local business communities, especially those in the oil and gas and energy segment.

Petros also shared how the business community can register to become vendors of Petros, if they have yet to do so.

Dr Hazland mentioned the Sarawak Gas Roadmap (SGR) which will provide better access to affordable and sustainable gas development, with initiatives such as the Virtual Pipeline System (VPS) enabling access to gas even in the most remote areas of Sarawak.

“Similarly, the Miri CCGT (Combined Cycle Gas Turbine) Project and Samalaju pipeline will pave the way and enhance the potential of Miri and Samalaju, spurring additional growth and prosperity,” he added.

SBF president Dato Sri Abang Abdul Karim Tun Openg was present. — DayakDaily
