Eased restrictions under RMCO to start June 17 in Sarawak

Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas

By Karen Bong

KUCHING, June 9: All activities permitted under the Recovery Movement Control Order (MCO) in Sarawak will be allowed to resume starting June 17.

State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) chairman Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas emphasised that this is to enable ministries and agencies involved to fine-tune and improve the existing standard operating procedure (SOP) which must be submitted to the SDMC latest by or before June 15 for approval.


“Sarawak will comply with the decision of the federal government on RMCO which takes effect from June 10 until Aug 31.

“However, we are still studying and analysing the SOP for the activities allowed to resume in order to enhance the guidelines according to the conditions in Sarawak as some SOPs may not be suitable or need to be adjusted,” he told a daily press conference on Covid-19 here today.

The activities allowed are inter-district travel, day and night markets, domestic tourism, Hari Raya Haji and Korban celebration, phased reopening of schools, laundromat services, pond fishing, bicycle and motorcycle convoys, non-body contact sports such as bowling and badminton, business hours returning to normal according to respective SOPs, as well as meetings and workshops.

The activities that are not allowed to resume yet include pubs and nightclubs, entertainment outlets, reflexology centres, karaoke, theme parks, mass religious parades, ‘kenduri-kendara’, open houses, contact sports including swimming, rugby, football, hockey and others, overseas travel, borders remaining closed and activities which involve the attendance of many people.

“Public gatherings are allowed for a maximum of 100 persons only but subjected to the size of the venue where events are held starting from June 10.

“(Organisers and attendees) are required to adhere to SOP including social distancing and personal hygiene,” Uggah elaborated.

Meanwhile, all Village Security and Development Committees (JKKKs) and neighbourhood committees together with People’s Volunteer Corps (Rela) will be tasked to monitor public compliance with Covid-19 SOPs and to ensure outsiders do not enter community areas. — DayakDaily
