DUN passes 3 Bills, interesting snippets of the day

The Sarawak Legislative Assembly (DUN) complex as seen from across the Sarawak River, Kuching. — DayakDaily.com file pic

KUCHING, July 12: The Sarawak Legislative Assembly (DUN) passed the following Bills on its fourth day today: (i) Supplementary Supply (2017) Bill, 2018, (ii) Supplementary Supply (2018) Bill, 2018, and (iii) Sarawak Land Code (Amendment), 2018.

The following points raised in the DUN today may interest our readers:

1. Water Supply in Engkilili to be enhanced (Assistant Minister of Water Supply Datuk Liwan Lagang)


The Water Supply Department is working on the Lubok Antu Rural Water Supply Phase II project to overcome water shortages in the Engkilili/Skrang area. The project is now at the designing stage. This project is expected to benefit 213 households in the area.

2. Rumah Mampu Milik (RMM) (Assistant Minister of Housing and Public Health Dr Annuar Rapaee)

The Housing Development Corporation (HDC) is building 122 units of single-storey terrace houses at Bunga Rampai RMM. When completed, priority will be given to the local community as they are affected by the river bank erosion at Kampung Bunga Rampai.

3. Yayasan Sarawak (Assistant Minister of Education, Science and Technological Research Dr Annuar Rapee)

Yayasan Sarawak has given out scholarships, education loans and financial assistance to 159,798 students from primary and secondary schools, institutions of higher learning, and technical institutions. From 2007 to 2017, the number of recipients totalled 26,548, where 11,103 of them were Dayak, 11,944 (Malay/Melanau) and 3,501 (non-Bumiputera).

4. Land titles given out in Kapit Division (Assistant Minister of Urban Planning, Land Administration and Environment Datuk Len Talif Salleh)

As of Jun 30, 2018, a total of 10,201 land titles have been given out in Kapit Division. Out of these, 4,567 involved the transfer of state land ownership to individuals under Section 13 of the State Land Code, and 5,634 were granted as native customary rights (NCR) land under Section 18 of the State Land Code.

5. Priority to local workforce (Assistant Minister of Entrepreneur and Small, Medium and Enterprise (SME) Development Datuk Naroden Majais)

Currently, 99 per cent of the workforce at Samajaya Industrial Park in Kuching and 70 per cent of the work force at Samalaju Industrial Park in Bintulu Park are locals. — DayakDaily
