Dudong assemblyman applauds volunteers, supply donors for helping flood victims

Dato Sri Tiong King Sing

KUCHING, Dec 31: With the kind help and courage of all volunteers and supply donors, flood victims were able to evacuate safely.

Prime Minister’s Special Envoy to China, Dato Seri Tiong King Sing, said the flash floods have destroyed houses and taken many precious lives.

Therefore, he expressed his utmost respect and gratitude to the volunteers and supply donors who have helped rebuild people’s homes.


“Furthermore, your unity, spirit, and selflessness are like rain after a drought, as well as the perfect example of national and racial unity, bringing hope to the people.

“With the spirit of unity, we will be able to face all challenges and get through the ordeal without fear. It’s truly a pleasure and pride to have people like you, and I send my utmost gratitude to you,” he said in his New Year’s message today.

Tiong, who is also Bintulu MP and Dudong assemblyman, further noted that the country is still battling the Covid-19 pandemic, especially in the light of the new Omicron variant.

“The frustrations and helplessness of the decision-makers, frontliners, and the public are evident. I understand this exhausting situation. However, I do hope we all will continue to stay strong and persistent in fighting the pandemic for the sake of our loved ones.

“If our country has any shortcomings needing improvements, we (government) do hope for your understanding,” he added.

He also expressed his thanks for all the support which enabled him to win the N52 Dudong seat in the recently concluded 12th Sarawak Election.

Despite his past experiences, he humbly considered himself a freshman. He hoped that everyone would not hesitate to provide him with guidance and recommendations throughout this new voyage in his political career.

“Be it constructive feedback or negative criticisms, all will be accepted wholeheartedly with the dedication to learning and striving for the better. Today, you sow your trust and confidence in me; you will reap your fruits of development in the future,” he said.

For 2022, Tiong wished Malaysia would experience less turbulence and called on everybody to sail smoothly through the year with abundance and happiness, yearning for serenity and prosperity to Malaysia and all. ― DayakDaily
