Dr Sim upset with SUPP Dudong branch leaders

Dr Sim (holding microphone) leading the ‘Sa’ati’ chant with members of his party.

KUCHING, June 4: Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) president Datuk Dr Sim Kui Hian today chided several of its branch leaders in Dudong for their lack of discipline and for seeking “self publicity”.

“I am disappointed and sad with some of our Dudong branch leaders. They are in our Central Working Committee (CWC), and they have many opportunities to speak up,” he said at the party’s 59th anniversary flag-raising ceremony here.

“I was in Sibu to meet them. They could have mentioned it to me during our party meetings, but they chose to speak through the newspapers to reveal our party’s internal issues.”


He was commenting on the recent joint-press statement signed by SUPP Dudong branch chairman Wong Ching Yong, deputy chairman Kelvin Kong Sien Chiu, secretary Kong Sing Ping, treasurer Daniel Sng Wei Siong and assistant secretary Dr Wong Chya Wei.

The five wanted Datuk Sebastian Ting Chew Yew to resign as the party’s secretary-general with immediate effect following the party’s devastating showing in the recent 14th general election (GE14).

SUPP contested in seven parliamentary seats and managed to retain only Serian. Hence, the five Dudong leaders said Ting, who contested in Miri, must be held accountable for the overall awful performance.

Dr Sim said this type of leaders were not sincere even though they had been preaching about having the party’s interest at heart.

“I never stopped anyone from speaking up. I did not deprive them of speaking during meetings, yet they chose not to speak (during these meeting) and instead go to the public via the newspapers. This is self publicity and (shows a) lack of discipline,” he lamented.

He reminded party members that the public were sick and tired of SUPP’s internal bickering, which had been going on for years.

“What they (public) want to see is what we can do for them and for the betterment of Sarawakians, instead of what the party can do for its own personal interest,” said Dr Sim.

He also reminded party members to always remember that the future of the party was dependent upon its members, and not the news media. — DayakDaily
