Don’t be hoodwinked by DAP’s minor fund allocation, Lo tells rakyat

Lo Khere Chiang (file pic)

By Lian Cheng

KUCHING, Nov 29: Sarawak United Peoples’ Party Batu Kitang chief Lo Khere Chiang has urged Sarawakians not to be hoodwinked by the political antics of Democratic Action Party (DAP).

He said DAP representatives have been going around to schools, surau, churches to give away small amount of allocations.


“They give RM5,000, RM10,000 or RM20,000 here and there. This is peanuts compare to what the federal government gets from us everyday.

“Let me reiterate. Everyday, the federal government takes from Sarawak RM250 million worth of oil and gas. That means RM92 billion per year and they come back here, giving us only one Pan Borneo Highway and small allocations of RM5,000, RM10,000 or RM20,000,” Lo told DayakDaily.

He said Sarawakians do not want peanuts but the fulfilment of Pakatan Harapan general election promises.

“Give us back our 20 per cent oil and gas (royalty). Give us back our 50 per cent tax collected,” he continued.

Lo, who is also Batu Kitang assemblyman, claimed that despite not receiving much funds from federal government, the Sarawak government led by Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) has been trying very hard to give development projects with values far exceeding than those from the federal government.

He cited minor development projects such as multipurpose halls, futsal courts, football fields, flood mitigation projects across his constituency.

“I believe I have brought many development projects for the constituents and I appeal to voters to continue to support the GPS government, which takes into consideration Sarawakians’ needs, unlike the federal government, who always takes the needs of Sarawakians as an after thought,” he opined.

Lo said the cancellation of the building of three major bridges — the Rambungan Bridge, Batang Lupar Bridge and Igan Bridge — by the federal government, which cited the excuse of “no money”, showed the true colour of Pakatan Harapan federal government.

“Yes, they have no money or only little money for Sarawak but they have big mega projects worth tens of billions for Peninsular Malaysia,” said Lo. — DayakDaily
