Don’t be fooled: MCMC warns against scam calls impersonating officials

File photo for illustration purposes only. Photo credit: BearyBoo from Pixabay

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, May 29: The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has issued a warning regarding fraudulent calls from unknown individuals posing as MCMC officials, a worrying trend that has seen a surge recently.

In a press statement, MCMC highlighted that these imposters employ a tactic of deception to achieve specific objectives.


Typically, the caller falsely identifies themselves as an MCMC officer, alleging the involvement of the victim’s phone number in criminal activities.

Subsequently, a threat is made that failure to comply with their directives will result in the blocking or blacklisting of the line.

MCMC emphasised that official announcements or notifications pertaining to its matters are exclusively disseminated through official channels such as email, the MCMC website, or official MCMC social media platforms.

The Commission affirmed that it does not employ individual names, private mobile numbers, or suspicious language in its communications.

Moreover, authorities, including MCMC, do not solicit personal details or information from individuals.

In light of these developments, MCMC urges the public to exercise caution and refrain from falling victim to such fraudulent calls.

They advise implementing call restriction settings to block or reject calls from unfamiliar numbers, or alternatively, utilising software or applications to manage incoming calls or SMS.

Individuals who encounter suspicious calls are encouraged to promptly report the incident to the police or the National Scam Response Centre (NSRC) at 997, which operates daily from 8am to 8pm.

Additionally, individuals can verify the authenticity of any unverified news by visiting the portal.

MCMC stresses the importance of public vigilance in safeguarding against fraud, identity theft, and other criminal activities. — DayakDaily
