DNC declares support for Pairin as next Sabah TYT

Paul Raja

KUCHING, Oct 3: Non-governmental organisation Dayak National Congress (DNC) has declared its full support for the appointment of Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan as the next Tuan Yang Terutama (TYT) for Sabah.

DNC president Paul Raja said the Sabah State Constitution provides that on the TYT’s appointment, there is no restriction on race, colour nor creed, reflecting an all-inclusive and all-embracing State.

“Inspite of that provision, the past record doesn’t seem to reflect the openness of the provision. It is also noticeable that all these TYTs including Tun Fuad are particularly of one religion.


“But as the State Constitution does not stipulate the religion of the TYT, hence there is no hindrance to a non-Muslim to be the TYT,” he said in a statement on Oct 1.

Paul further said it is timely for Sabah as well as Sarawak to have a non-Muslim as TYT, especially when it is agreed within Sarawak’s old convention that the TYT and the Premier (previously Chief Minister) must not be of the same race.

“More so now that the governments of Sarawak and Sabah have both embarked on restoring our State rights under the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63).

“It can only be appropriate that, internal restoration would also be needed so as to make Sarawak and Sabah as States that are not just multiracial but ones which resonate the diverse but harmonious, generous and magnanimous relations between people of different races, colour and creeds.

“The best step forward in this direction is none other than showcasing with the TYT as the head our State. Words alone are not enough to tell the world how good we are in race relations.

“We truly hope that Sabah will lead the way by appointing her first Kadazan Dusun Murut Rungus Paramount Chief to be her Head of State,” he added. — DayakDaily
