By DayakDaily Team
KUCHING, Sept 4: Sarawak Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Dr Sim Kui Hian has emphasised the importance of Sarawak’s young talents gaining valuable experience abroad and later returning home to contribute to the State’s development.
Dr Sim, who is also Sarawak Minister for Public Health, Housing, and Local Government (MPHLG), stated that young professionals working abroad are gaining essential skills that can be brought back to benefit Sarawak.
“I always encourage young people to gain exposure by working in developed countries because we want our people to be not only manpower/brainpower talents, but also talents who do not feel inferior when they sit down with their ‘brothers and sisters’ in developed countries.
“Ultimately, after ‘seeing the world’ and realising we are as good as anyone, may as well choose to call Sarawak home.
“Learn and gain exposure from all corners of the world and return for nation building in Sarawak,” he wrote in a Facebook post earlier today.
“We need talent to lay many foundations and facilities so that we can catch up with what our fellow Malaysians in West Malaysia have been enjoying, but hopefully we can do even better with global recognition.
“Though we started late and are approximately six decades behind, we can catch up quickly with brains, partnerships, technology, and skills, and the time to do so is now! Let’s come together to get the job done,” he added.
On another note, Dr Sim congratulated Ir Chia Kah Soon, a fellow Sarawakian who received the prestigious John Tratsoo Award 2024 from Young Pipeline International and has recently started a new job in London.
“Congratulations, Ir Chia Kah Soon, on your new engineering job in environmental sustainability – the new net zero industry on carbon capture and storage, which is not currently available in Singapore, let alone Malaysia or Sarawak,” he said.

Meanwhile, in another Facebook post earlier today, Dr Sim stated that he toured the Rumah Yayasan Sarawak (Sarawak Foundation House), a temporary student housing facility located in Brondesbury Park, London.
“Looking forward to welcoming those who have completed and returned home, as well as those who are currently studying, and inspiring them to contribute to Sarawak’s ‘brainpower’ talent development for our nation building,” he wrote. — DayakDaily