Deputy minister: State govt doing its best to ensure shortage of building materials issue is solved

Tiang (centre) viewing a house model with advisers of Sheda Sibu, Datuk Seri Joseph Ting (left) and Datu Lau Ngie Hua.

SIBU, Jan 13: The State government through the Public Health and Housing Ministry wants to ensure that the shortage of building materials does not continue.

According to its deputy minister Michael Tiang, the shortage of cement does not bode well for the economy.

“We understand that when there is shortage of raw materials such as cement, it will affect the progress of the construction. Projects will either have to be halted or delayed,” he said when officiating at Sarawak Housing and Real Estate Developers’ Association’s (Sheda) Home and Property Roadshow today.


As proof of the government’s commitment, he said a month ago, he had a dialogue session with the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Sarawak (Acccis), Sheda and Sarawak Master Builders Federation (SMBF) in Kuching to discuss the issues faced by the contractors especially on the shortage of cement supply issue and the increase of the price of construction material.

The Pelawan assemblyman said the escalating prices of building materials will affect the prices of houses.

“This is also the reason why there is an increase in the demand for affordable housing,” he said, adding that the Sarawak government will always make an effort to build more affordable houses for the people, especially those in low-income groups.

He called on developers to continue to work closely with the government in providing affordable housing for the people of Sarawak.

Tiang also hoped there would be more initiatives and plans from the State government to help every Sarawakian to own a house.

This is in addition to the People’s Housing Programme, where the government will rent out houses at an affordable rate and priority will be given to the homeless and squatters.

The other initiative is the Housing Deposit Assistance Scheme of up to RM10,000 to help young couples in the B40 and M40 groups to purchase their first homes. — DayakDaily
