DCCI and DCF office construction to begin after Gawai Dayak

Uggah (second right) showing the cheque. Also seen are (from left) Salang, Allistar and Stephen.

KUCHING, May 19: Construction of the Dayak Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DCCI) and Dayak Cultural Foundation (DCF) offices is expected to commence sometime after this year’s Gawai Dayak celebration.

DCCI president Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum, who received a cheque for RM10 million from the state government to finance the construction today, highlighted that the project is on a 2.266-hectare plot at Ong Tiang Swee Road here.

Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas, who is also DCF chairman, represented the state government in presenting the cheque to Salang at the former’s office at Wisma Bapa Malaysia here today.


Salang pointed out that the RM10 million was the second tranche of the RM20 million sum which the state government had earlier allocated to the two Dayak organisations.

“Each organisation gets RM10 million. We are indeed very grateful to the state government for the allocations.

“We are also equally grateful to the government for allocating the land to both DCCI and DCF,” he said.

He added that besides the offices, the balance of the land would be developed for residential apartments.

“We are looking forward to the commencement of the construction work. The earthworks including site levelling and others have been done,” he said.

Lt Jen (R) Datuk Stephen Mundaw, who represented DCF board of trustee chairman Tan Sri Leonard Linggi Jugah, andDCF official Allistar Hilton Smith were also present. — DayakDaily
