DAP Stampin parliamentary team deliver Gawai goodies

Kong (left) handing over the Gawai goodies to a recipient.

KUCHING, May 31: Amidst preparations for Gawai Dayak, the Democratic Action Party (DAP) Stampin parliamentary team led by Michael Kong Feng Nian gave out soft drinks, hampers, and beer to various recipients celebrating the festival.

“In a multicultural society, we all grow up learning to respect and embrace each other’s background. This year’s Gawai festival will be a great celebration with the relaxation of standard operating procedures (SOPs) and entering into endemicity,” said Kong in a statement today.

Among the recipients of the Gawai goodies are former Malaysian para-athlete Richard Bada, Malaysian para-athlete Mary Bada, the children of the late Damian Senin and Ronwina Mambai who passed away due to electrocution in Cameron Highlands, and Kampung Stampin and Kampung Sg Tapang residents.


“The DAP Stampin Parliamentary team would like to take the opportunity to wish everyone happy holidays, especially to those celebrating a Happy Gawai Festival.

“At the same time, we would remind everyone to always be vigilant and take self-precautionary measures at all times,” said Kong, who is also special assistant to DAP Sarawak chairman Chong Chieng Jen. — DayakDaily
