DAP reps says GPS can’t claim innocence on “backdoor” gov’t formation

Dr Kelvin Yii

KUCHING, March 3: Bandar Kuching MP Dr Kelvin Yii believes that Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) cannot claim innocence in the formation of a “backdoor” government.

“While admittedly, it was (some) selfish individuals within Pakatan Harapan who put their self-interest (first) above the people, who may have initiated the move, but when presented with the opportunity to overthrow a legitimate elected government, GPS together with other parties such as UMNO and PAS did not hesitate to be part of the whole manipulation and manoeuvres,” said Dr Yii in a statement today.

He asserted that when the selfish individuals from PH handed over the key, it was the choice of GPS to use it to open that door and set a bad precedence.


“So, in no way can they claim innocence and try to isolate themselves from the possible grave consequences that comes with their action,” said Dr Yii.

As Muafakat Nasional (which consists of Parti Islam Se-Malaysia or Pas and United Malay National Organisation or Umno) is now the biggest bloc within the new ruling coalition Perikatan Nasional, Dr Yii believed that the two parties will assert a big influence on national policies.

“As the biggest bloc, their background and ideology’s influence on all education policies will have a big impact on us especially our children.

“What we may be trying to reduce, they may want to try to increase and what we feel is important to increase, they may want it to be reduced instead,” said Dr Yii, citing the Jawi lesson in all primary schools as the example.

“So while the State Government can ‘block’ some people from coming in, (but) they cannot block national policies from affecting the State.

“And many of those mentioned above are policy decided by the Minister or Ministry that does not need to go through or be passed in parliament,” Dr Yii warned. — DayakDaily
