DAP man urges Dr Sim to fulfil ministerial duties to resolve Kuching flood issues

Flooding at the Stampin Resettlement area.

KUCHING, Dec 21: Special assistant to Sarawak Democratic Action Party (DAP) chairman Chong Chieng Jen, Michael Kong Feng Nian, is urging Sarawak Minister for Public Health, Housing, and Local Government (MPHLG) Dato Sri Dr Sim Kui Hian to come up with short and long-term solutions to the flooding problem in many parts of Kuching.

In a press statement, Kong stressed that more must be done by local authorities, especially the MPHLG, to resolve the flooding woes of the people of Kuching, especially since the ministry is in charge of Irrigation and Drainage Department (DID) Sarawak.

“Yesterday’s rain caused flooding in many parts of Kuching, including the Stampin Resettlement Scheme, Jalan Sungai Tapang, Iris Garden, Jalan Arang, and even Uni Garden,” he disclosed.

Flooding at the Stampin Resettlement area.

He asserted the government should implement both short-term and long-term solutions to the flooding problem.

“Even the recently announced RM350 million flood mitigation project for the Stampin Resettlement Scheme was not budgeted (for) in the recent Sarawak State Budget 2023.

“Is it therefore another election promise dished during campaigning for the General Election which will not come to fruition?,” he claimed.

Kong pointed out it is Dr Sim’s responsibility as the Minister of Public Health, Local Government and Housing, to resolve these issues for the local residents.

Furthermore, he asserted that despite bringing upgrades and development to Batu Kawah, there is a lack of attention to the people’s woes elsewhere.

“It is important for me to remind Sim Kui Hian that he is the minister for all Sarawakians.

“As a minister, Sim Kui Hian has the responsibility and obligation to put more attention to the needs of Sarawakians throughout the State. This includes those in Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS)-held seats or Opposition-held seats.

“Therefore, I urge Sim Kui Hian to develop master plans for existing estates, both short and long-term,” he emphasised.

He added, “The inconvenience and mental ordeal that the people have to go through each time there is heavy rain must be put to a stop.” — DayakDaily
