DAP man: PBK-PSB pact helps GPS, BN and PN, instead of bringing them down

Michael Kong

KUCHING, Oct 6: Not only does the electoral pact between Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) and Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB) does not serve the purpose of defeating Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS), it in fact is helping the ruling coalition.

This was asserted by Michael Kong, the special assistant to Sarawak Democratic Action Party (DAP) chief Chong Chieng Jen.

Describing the alliance as “made out of convenience”, Kong said with any presence outside Sarawak, the pact would have to partner with a coalition, be it the ruling or the opposition, and presently, the coalition parties with the national presence which have a chance to form the federal government are Pakatan Harapan (PH), Barisan Nasional (BN) and Perikatan Nasional (PN).


“PBK’s Voon Lee Shan had in his press statement made known to the public that the aim of this new alliance is to defeat PH in the General Elections.

“This confirms DAP’s concerns since the last Sarawak State election, which was how genuine were these parties in being a true opposition party against the government of the day?

“As we can observe, these parties are also insincere in the political struggle for the people. PBK and PSB are parties that only suddenly become active when the elections draw near but go into hibernation mode after the elections,” said Kong in a statement today.

He said this was evident after the recently concluded 12th Sarawak Election in December 2021 where all the candidates and/or party members from PBK, PSB, and Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak (PBDS) were nowhere to be seen.

Thus, Kong claimed that it was clear that PBK and PSB are entering the upcoming general election with the aim of collaborating with BN or PN.

“A vote for PBK and PSB is a vote for BN and PN and this will open the route for Umno (United Malays National Organisation) politicians like (Datuk Seri) Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and (Datuk Seri) Najib Razak to run this country once again,” said Kong.

He held that the only way forward for Malaysia is another hard reset where Malaysians put these BN and PN political parties back on the back burner while Malaysia is being rebuilt.

“We must not allow PBK and its allies to continue to fool us with their political narrative. Let us all consolidate our opposition votes behind PH to bring the fight against the BN, PN and GPS government,” said Kong. — DayakDaily
