Cramped quarters could become breeding ground for infectious diseases, warns Health DG

Dr Noor Hisham fielding questions from the press. Filepix

KUCHING, May 27: The Health Ministry has urged all foreign workers living conditions to be looked into, especially by their employers, to stop the spread of any infectious diseases.

Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said these workers’ living quarters or accommodation are usually cramped, and such confined space can turn it into breeding ground for viral infections.

“The current Covid-19 pandemic has taught Malaysia many lessons which we’ve never come across, and one of them is migrant workers and their living conditions. This is not just for Covid-19, but also other infectious diseases that can easily spread.


“There is a need to look into this matter seriously and a long-term solution for these foreign workers. We have to change the norm for better future,” he said at the ministry’s daily Covid-19 media briefing in Putrajaya, today.

Dr Noor Hisham said currently a total of 1,853 or 6 per cent of non-Malaysians were tested positive for Covid-19 out of the 30,671 foreigners screened.

Meanwhile, he added that those who were infected by Covid-19 did not necessarily show symptoms such as high fever, cough or flu.

“Instead, loss of smell and taste or lethargy are also part of the symptoms. My advice is to those who are feeling under the weather to just stay at home, do not go to work until you feel better and seek medical treatment,” he said.—DayakDaily
