Covid-19: Project manager of construction company latest case in Sarawak


By Karen Bong

KUCHING, June 24: The project manager of a construction company which employed the Indonesian couple infected with Covid-19 – case 563 and 565, was the latest positive case in Sarawak today.

State Disaster Management Committee chairman Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas informed that close contact tracing for the construction site cluster involving foreign workers has been carried out with 122 first-generation contacts and 312 second-generation contacts identified.


“Some are still waiting for lab test results while investigations are still ongoing to identify more contacts and cause of infection,” he told a press conference on Covid-19 today.

Under this cluster, Active Case Detection (ACD) has been carried out for the Podium project site whereby one out of the 196 individuals screened tested positive, while for the Old DUN, Fort Margherita and Pangkalan Sapi project sites, the project manager and the two Indonesians of 62 have tested positive.

This brings the state tally of positive cases to 570 and 17 deaths.
As for the Kidurong cluster in Bintulu, Uggah disclosed that out of 217 individuals screened, eight were positive while three are still awaiting lab test results.

The Deputy Chief Minister added that there were no recoveries and as such, the total number of recovered cases in Sarawak is maintained at 535 or 93.86 per cent of total positive cases so far.

“As of today, 18 patients are being treated in hospitals throughout the state with none admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) or requiring respiratory support,” he said.

There are nine patients treated in Sarawak General Hospital (SGH) and Bintulu Hospital respectively.

Two districts in Sarawak are still labelled yellow zone, which is with 40 or fewer Covid-19 cases, namely Kuching and Bintulu.

“The state also registered 44 more person-under-investigation (PUI) cases today while four cases are still awaiting laboratory test results.

“There are also 16 more person-under-surveillance (PUS) have been checked in to identified hotels to undergo compulsory 14-days quarantine,” he updated.

As of today, there are a total number of 942 individuals undergoing quarantine in 13 hotels throughout the state. —DayakDaily
