Court orders teen couple who abandoned newborn daughter to be sent to juvenile detention centres

Court - file pic. // Photo: Pixabay

By Dorcas Ting

KUCHING, Nov 11: The Magistrate’s Court here ordered two teenagers to be sent to juvenile detention centres for abandoning their newborn daughter.

Magistrate Zaiton Anuar ordered the 15-year-old male youth to be sent to Puncak Borneo Henry Gurney School for three years and ordered the 16-year-old female youth to be sent to the Tunas Bakti School in Miri for three years, under Section 91(1)(f) of the Child Act 2001.


The teenagers were charged with abandoning their infant daughter inside a motorcycle basket at an unnumbered house in Kampung Siol Kandis, at about 5am on August 26, 2021.

The baby girl was discovered by villagers at about 5.30am who subsequently informed the police.

The police arrested both of the teenagers who later admitted that they abandoned the newborn after her birth at about 2am that day.

They were charged under Section 317 of the Penal Code and read together with Section 34 of the same Code, which carries imprisonment of up to seven years or with fine or with both, upon conviction.

Prosecuting Officer Insp Merylene Lindan Andrew Mang prosecuted while both accused were unrepresented by counsel. — DayakDaily
