CM receives courtesy calls from Rural Devt Ministry today on collaboration efforts

Mahdzir Khalid (fourth left) and his entourage paying courtesy call on Abang Johari (fourth right) at his office in Wisma Bapa Malaysia today.

KUCHING, Oct 22: Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg today received two courtesy calls from the Ministry of Rural Development (KPLB) and Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) at his office in Wisma Bapa Malaysia, today.

According to a news report from Sarawak Public Communication Unit (Ukas) today, the first courtesy call was made by Ministry of Rural Development (KPLB), led by its Minister Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid, together with the ministry’s Assistant Minister II Dato Hasbi Habibollah, and Agriculture, Native Land and Regional Development Assistant Minister Datuk Dr Abdul Rahman Ismail.

During a press conference held after the courtesy visit, Mahdzir said the visit was to discuss the collaboration between his ministry and the Sarawak government to enable the coordination of development in the state.


“This meeting with the chief minister, we were able to have a good discussion on how KPLB can collaborate with the state government to coordinate the development project in four components, namely rural roads, rural electricity supply, and rural water supply, including the Hardcore Poor Housing Project (PPRT),” he said.

Through the meeting, he noted, KPLB and the chief minister has also agreed to develop a data sharing system.

“We will be sharing data on electricity supply, water supply, roads, village roads, social facilities, PPRT, repair works, and many others. This is the form of local information that we need,” he explained.

Shortly after that, Abang Johari received a second courtesy visit from MCMC, led by its Minister Tan Sri Annuar Musa and his entourage, which is also attended by Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister’s Office (Corporate Affairs and Sarawak Public Communications Unit) Abdullah Saidol.

Annuar Musa (third left) and his entourage pose for a group photo together with Abang Johari (third right) and Abdullah Saidol (left) after the courtesy call today.

When met by reporters, Annuar said the visit was to discuss the implementation of the National Digital Network (Jendela) and programs related to Sarawak’s future plans.

He said the Sarawak government has a clear plan in terms of ensuring that not only is connectivity available for everyone and various areas throughout the State, but the chief minister also emphasised Sarawak’s plan to have full 4G and even 5G connectivity quality.

“There are certain plans that I saw which is very good, especially involving modernising the agriculture and plantation industry, as well as others sectors that require 5G services,” he added. — DayakDaily
