Close ranks, focus on state polls, Baru tells Sarawak PKR members

Baru Bian

KUCHING, Dec 16: Sarawak Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) chairman Baru Bian has called on all party members and leaders in the state to regroup and close ranks in the aftermath of the party’s recently concluded election.

He said only with unity would the party be able to continue moving forward.

“Only by forging together as one united force and combining our energies in a focused strategy would we be able to take on the opposition government and capture Sarawak in the upcoming state election, which can be held any time soon,” he said in a statement today.


Baru, who is also Selangau MP and Ba’Kelalan assemblyman, said the vision of the Sarawak PKR leadership was for a better Sarawak.

“We pledge to continue to further strengthen Keadilan in Sarawak. This is possible only when we can work together towards common goals.

“These goals are for a far better Sarawak in particular and a stronger Malaysia, in general, through a Pakatan Harapan government,” said Baru.

He thanked all division heads for their support and commended them on their loyalty.

“Their loyalty all these years and our struggles together to fight for all Sarawakians are testament to their commitment for justice in this land.

“I look forward to working together with all the elected division heads, both new and old ones. Inclusivity is the key to unity and victory,” said Baru.

Out of the 29 PKR divisions in Sarawak, 22 had voted for Baru to be the state chief on Friday (Dec 14). — DayakDaily
