Chong: PSB, PH must reach consensus in political agenda before talking about seat allocations

Chong (seated centre), Abdul Halil (seated left) and Teo (seated right) at the PH press conference here today (April 3, 2021).

By Ling Hui

KUCHING, April 3: PSB’s main political agenda must reach a certain consensus with that of PH’s before the seat allocations between both parties can be discussed further.

Sarawak Pakatan Harapan (PH) chairman Chong Chieng Jen said what Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB) is fighting for in Sarawak is still unclear, when PH’s ultimate belief has always been to strive for a more equitable distribution in natural resources among all Sarawakians.


“On the seat allocations with PSB, we still have to agree on our principal aim and goal of our struggle before we can proceed further.

“What I mean is that PH, our main struggle and goal is for a more equitable distribution and sharing of the State’s wealth and resources, which includes things like lands, timber and mineral resources.

“This is our struggle for a better Sarawak where all Sarawakians can enjoy and share the natural endowment that we have. As opposed to PSB’s struggle or their main agenda, it is still not very clear,” he said during a press conference at Sarawak DAP headquarters here today.

Chong, who is also Sarawak Democratic Action Party (DAP) chief, added that PSB was a party with “financial backers of colourful backgrounds”, which further contributes to what he termed to be the “unclear agenda” of the party.

Until this could be sorted out where both parties could see eye to eye in aspects of their political struggle, he said it would not be easy for things to progress.

“If you’re fighting for the people and another organisation is fighting for certain selected groups, how do you compromise on that?” he questioned.

When asked by reporters whether there was a deadline in the discussions between PH and PSB, he said the deadline would be until the Sarawak 12th State Election (PRN12) to date of which remains unknown.

As for the seat allocations between DAP, Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) and Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) previously agreed on Jan 2, Chong said it has been finalised and it would remain as the status quo until further changes.

From the 82 state seats, PKR will be contesting in 47 seats, DAP in 26 seats and Amanah in the remaining nine.

PH deputy chairperson I Dr Michael Teo and PH deputy chairperson II Abg Abdul Halil Abg Naili were among those present at the press conference. — DayakDaily
