Bushfire razes 1.3 hectares in Miri amid scorching weather

The bushfire left a trail of destruction, burning 1.3 hectares of land.
By Tedong Rantayy

MIRI, July 26: A bushfire engulfed 1.3 hectares of the Homestay Piasau Pantai Residence on Friday, exacerbated by the scorching hot weather in the city.

Lutong Fire and Rescue Department (Bomba) chief Henry Jugah reported that his team received an emergency call about the blaze at approximately 1.28pm.

Upon assessing the situation, the Lutong Fire Brigade, launched a comprehensive firefighting effort.


Utilizing a 300-foot stream and two water fountains sourced from a nearby fire hydrant, they successfully extinguished the flames.

The firefighting operation was a collaborative effort, with significant contributions from workers of Naim Land Sdn Bhd and The Natural Resources and Environment Board (NREB).

The operation was finally concluded at 4.55pm.

The current hot weather in Miri has heightened the risk of such incidents, with dry conditions providing ideal fuel for bushfires.

Authorities are urging residents to remain vigilant and report any signs of fire immediately to prevent further outbreaks. — DayakDaily
