Bukit Semuja rep proposes new ministry to address racial ratio, representation issues

John Ilus (file photo).

KUCHING, Dec 22: Sarawak needs to address pending issues related to human resources such as dissatisfaction over racial ratio and representation in both public and private sectors.

Following this, re-elected Bukit Semuja assemblyman John Ilus hopes the new Sarawak State Cabinet will consider establishing a new ministry overseeing human resource development.

“Under the new ministry, there must be a proper dissemination of proper courses and job matching processes.


“We need to address this immediately to achieve the status of a developed State in 2030,” he said in a statement yesterday (Dec 21).

John also expressed hope the proposal for such a ministry would be considered by the new State government, adding that he is willing to be part of the team to address the issues.

“The issues related to human resources should be looked into from all sectors, angles and industries to open up employment opportunities for the young generations,” he emphasised.

John defended the Bukit Semuja seat in the recently concluded 12th Sarawak Election with a 4,705-vote majority.

He received 6,113 votes, beating Elsiy Tingang of Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB) who got 1,408 votes, Brolin Nicholson of Democratic Action Party (DAP) who got 777 votes and Edward Andrew Luwak@Edward Luwak of Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) who got 427 votes. — DayakDaily
