Brooke Trust announces the passing of Gita Brooke

Gita and Anthony Brooke.

KUCHING, Feb 27: The wife of Rajah Muda Anthony Brooke and trustee of the Brooke Trust, Gita Brooke passed away this week at her home called ‘Rumah Brooke’ in New Zealand. She was 88.

The funeral will take place on Feb 28, 2020, a date which also coincides with the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Brooke Trust.

Her grandson, Brooke Trust and Brooke Museum director Jason Brooke, in a press statement said that Gita visited Sarawak on a number of occasions, namely from her first trip in 1983 along with the Anthony as guests of the state, to her final journey in 2013 when she brought the Rajah Muda’s ashes to be interred beside Fort Margherita.


“Alongside her support of the Brooke Trust, she was well known as a life long peace campaigner who co-founded with Anthony their United Nations (UN) accredited non-governmental organisation (NGO), Peace Through Unity,” he said.

Jason also added that Sarawak was an extremely important part of her life, which was well captured by the headlines from 2013 articles “Gita Brooke’s heart forever beats for Sarawak”.

She also leaves behind her daughter Anna, grandchildren, Laurence Brooke and Sura Harper, as well as great-grandschildren Jago Brooke and Leandro Harper. —DayakDaily
