BR1M issue: Handle this sensitive matter with care, Putrajaya told


KUCHING, August 28: The federal government’s final decision on the 1Malaysia People’s Aid (BR1M) must take into consideration the people’s interest and should not be made in haste.

Maybe this cash-handout scheme should be reformed to ensure that the genuine poor benefit and that the aid recipients become self-sufficient in the long-term, proposed Dr Kelvin Yii, the MP of Bandar Kuching.

“It is important for us to review the current payout system as it has been opened to abuse all these years. Many of those who are really in need of it did not receive it, while others who may be in better economic conditions benefit,” he said.


Dr Yii claimed he had received reports of Malaysians earning decent salaries in countries such as Singapore and Australia receiving BR1M. He reckoned their BR1M applications were approved because there were no records of them paying income tax or making EPF contributions in Malaysia.

He made this comment today in response to the statement made by Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad that there were plans to reduce BR1M and gradually phase it out.

“I strongly urge the government to study this proposal properly and with more consultation. Always act on the compassionate side of things, especially to help those that are really in need,” said Dr Yii.

However, in any case, Dr Yii believed there would be new initiatives to empower the people to cope with the rising cost of living. He believed the government was always studying ways to uplift the economy and create more jobs so that the people would not be so dependent on handouts.

On giving financial aids, Dr Yii opined it should never be used as “baits” for political mileage. Such assistance should truly be for those in need, he stressed. — DayakDaily
