Borneo Water and Wastewater Exhibition and Conference returns Oct 17-19

Chang (second left) presenting a souvenir to Julaihi. Also seen are Dr Abdul Rahman (left) and Liwan (right).

By Karen Bong

KUCHING, May 25: The Borneo International Water and Wastewater Exhibition and Conference (BIWWEC) will be returning this year from Oct 17 to 19 at Imperial Hotel here, with the theme ‘Sustainability and Resilience Through Smart Technology and Innovation’.

The conference aims to provide a constructive and beneficial platform to discuss and bring forth new solutions, innovations and technologies, from both local and international industries, that could contribute to enhancing water supply and wastewater systems in Sarawak.


Organised by the Malaysian Water Association (MWA) Sarawak Branch, the event hopes to attract some 300 delegates, 30 experienced speakers and 40 exhibitors from around the country as well as globally, composed of professionals in the areas of water, wastewater and other relevant industries.

Minister for Utility and Telecommunication Datuk Julaihi Narawi pointed out that this event is timely and important to assist and ensure Sarawak achieves its last mile goal of 16.4 per cent to achieve full water supply coverage across the whole of Sarawak.

“This is considering that the overall water supply coverage is now at 83.6 per cent, with 99 per cent coverage for urban areas and 66.9 per cent coverage for rural areas.

“Therefore, an event such as this BIWWEC 2022 is very much needed to bring solutions that may even be proposed for the water supply projects under the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP), such as under the Sarawak Alternative Rural Water Supply (Sawas) programme under JBALB (Sarawak Rural Water Supply Department) and many more,” he said.

He highlighted this during the launching of the BIWWEC 2022 held at Sarawak Legislative Assembly (DUN) Complex today.

MWA Sarawak chairman and BIWWEC organising chairman Ir Chang Kuet Shin emphasised that its aim this year is to work on active solutions and synergistic efforts to overcome challenges of water and wastewater needs in Borneo.

“I hope we get to not only discover solutions and new ideas to overcome issues and challenges but to also work together with all relevant bodies in positive synergy, to develop new working relationships and create a functional network that will benefit one another going forward.

Meanwhile, BIWWEC 2022 will feature a three-day programme with notable speakers, workshops, panel discussions, networking sessions, site tour programmes, a town hall session and a gala dinner.

Subjects to be covered and deliberated include the post-Covid-19 recovery strategy, water supply grids, management of water resources, sustainable management of water and wastewater management systems as well as digital transformation of these systems.

It is now open for registration for delegates, exhibitors and presenters. For more information on the conference, those interested may contact Nurul at (+6082-263010) or Carshena at (+6082-555189).

Visit for more updates on the event.

Deputy Minister for Telecommunication Datuk Liwan Lagang, Deputy Minister for Utility Datuk Dr Abdul Rahman Junaidi and permanent secretary to the Ministry of Utility and Telecommunication Dato Ir Alice Jawan Empaling were among those present. — DayakDaily
