Bomba preps Lubok Antu longhouse folks as first responders

Nik Muhd Afiq (2nd right) and Henry handed over two fire extinguishers to longhouse residents.

By Nancy Nais

LUBOK ANTU, Aug 6: Fire and Rescue (Bomba) officers from Sri Aman and Betong visited some 15 longhouses here, today, as part of their fire point programme.

The visit, to survey how many villagers were at their longhouses during the day and brief individuals on becoming first responders during emergency situation and fire, saw Bomba officers interacting with some 150 villagers.


Sri Aman Bomba chief Nik Muhd Afiq Nik Roslan said they did a surprise visit to Rh Medan, Rh Embuas Ujek, Rh Jangan Pungga, Rh Beretik, Rh Entirong Bayang, Rh Machau Ng Kumpang, Rh Numpang Siba, Rh Endawie Janting, Rh Suai Sanggot, Rh Robert Lingga Mangge, Rh Tunai, Rh Masam and Rh Jantan Lutong in Lubok Antu.

They also visited Rh Muris Dundang Soh and Rh Lepang Grang in Engkili.

“Today we conducted fire point programmes in mainly Batang Ai area. We want to identify the number of occupants in the longhouses during weekdays or when most people are away at work, so we can meet those who stayed back in the longhouses.

“Since these are the people that will be around in the event of accidents or fire, they are considered as first responder. So they need to know what to do,” Nik Muhd Afiq said, adding that they met with about 10 villagers at each longhouse.

He added that Bomba managed to engage and educate the villagers through fire safety talk, demo and how to use fire extinguisher.

“We will continue similar programme to raise awareness on how to prevent and douse fire in the early stages of an outbreak, especially in longhouses that are located far away from the nearest fire stations,” he said.

Nik Muhd Afiq also presented two fire extinguishers to each longhouse.

Firefighters Henry Jugah and Kassim Lunchat from Betong fire station were aamong the officers briefing the villagers. — DayakDaily
