Bittersweet: S’wakian ping pong athlete Chow Mei Hsia announces retirement following Para Sukma 2024 gold medal win

Chow Mei Hsia. Photo credit: Ukas

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, Sept 24: This year’s Para Malaysia Games (Sukma) marked a bittersweet moment for Sarawakian ping pong athlete Chow Mei Hsia as she officially announced her retirement from competitive sports after clinching her final gold medal for the State.

In a news report by Sarawak Public Communications Unit (Ukas) yesterday (Sept 23), Chow’s victory in the women’s wheelchair singles category was the cherry on top of a remarkable career that began in 2017.


After the medal presentation ceremony, Chow expressed her appreciation and reflected on the significance of her final win for her and her family—dedicating her win to her late parents while adding that it was a gift for her husband’s birthday on Dec 29.

“I feel incredibly happy. I never expected this to be my last time winning a gold medal for Sarawak,” she said, as quoted by Ukas.

Chow added that despite having to make numerous sacrifices, including facing tough weather conditions and illness, she managed to push through.

“Even if it is raining, you still must go (for training). Once, I got a high fever from training, but this is the result of my hard work,” she shared.

Looking ahead, Chow said that she would be taking a break to focus on her health, particularly on an injury in her finger that may require surgery.

However, she took the opportunity to offer some advice to the next generation of athletes.

“My advice to the younger ping pong players is, do not be lazy. Just go out and train for Team Sarawak,” she said.

Meanwhile, Rahimah Andungai from Sabah secured second place, while Perak’s Nurul Fathiah Jamaluddin took the bronze medal.

Permanent secretary to the Sarawak Ministry of Women, Early Childhood, and Community Wellbeing Development (KPWK), Datu Felicia Tan Ya Hua, presented the medals to the winners.

Earlier on the same day, KPWK Minister Dato Sri Fatimah Abdullah visited the event venue. — DayakDaily
