Bintulu Division now rabies outbreak area too

Rabies can be spread through animal bites. — file pic

KUCHING, Oct 18: The deadly rabies has spread to Bintulu. The State Disaster Management Committee today declared two areas there as ‘rabies outbreak areas’.

They are Taman Bandar Jaya near Jalan Tun Hussein Onn and SK Sg Selad, Km35 near Jalan Persisiran Bintulu/Kuala Tatau.

In a statement, the committee’s chairman, Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas, said the two areas were located outside the 10km radius of existing outbreak areas.


This brings the total number of rabies outbreak areas in the state to 46.

He reminded the public, especially those in outbreak areas, not to let their pet dogs roam freely outside of their house compound and not to bring them out of outbreak areas without proper documents and permits from the State Veterinary Authority.

“A compound of not more than RM5,000 or jail of not more than three months or both would be imposed on defaulters if found guilty under Section 37(2) and (3) of the Public Veterinary Health 1999 Ordinance,” cautioned Uggah. — DayakDaily
