Beware of car sale scam disguised as legitimate dealerships, luring buyers to pay upfront

A complainant handing over a police report on the car sale scam to MTPN Sarawak.

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, June 26: The National Consumer Action Council (MTPN) Sarawak Branch has received a complaint related to a car sale scam involving the name of a legitimate car dealership company.

In this case, scammers used car pictures belonging to JL68 Motors Sdn Bhd and advertised cars for sale at temptingly low prices on Telegram app.


As a result, many buyers were attracted and lured into making a deposit for the cars they were interested in.

Meanwhile, JL68 Motors Sdn Bhd has made an announcement on their Facebook page to alert the public about the scam, but their page was later banned by Facebook.

“After that, they have received more than 10 calls from users who had been duped by the scammer stating that they made deposit payments to the account number (2005037000042905 – MBSB BANK) in the name of Siti Aishya Binti Arman,” the Council said in a statement today.

MTPN Sarawak further reminded the public not to buy valuable items online and not make payments to the seller’s personal bank account.

“For everyone’s information, there are many fraud syndicates that use donkey accounts to conduct these transactions.

“MTPN Sarawak would like to warn users not to ever rent or give your bank account to others. Additionally, never give out personal information such as full name, address, ID card number and ID card photo to unknown parties,” the Council added.

Any complaints or problems can be filed to MPTN Sarawak via email at or Whatsapp to 017-7109299 for more information. – DayakDaily
