BEM Stutong Baru receives RM70,000 in Unifor funds

Yap (fourth right) hands over the Unifor cheque for RM70,000 to Elder Buruh Doyan of BEM Stutong Baru on June 16, 2024.

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, June 16: Unit for Other Religions (Unifor) under the Premier of Sarawak’s Department disbursed financial aid totalling RM70,000 for BEM (SIB) Stutong Baru here today.

Kota Sentosa assemblyman Wilfred Yap handed over the cheque during a simple ceremony at the church building.


According to a press release, the financial aid is to be used for purchasing audio equipment and additional upgrades of the digital and sound system in connection therewith.

Yap said Sarawak is different from other states in Malaysia as she has Unifor which is responsible for regulating policies to promote inter-religious harmony while evaluating, proposing and formulating policies, laws and regulations related to other religions in Sarawak.

“For this year, Unifor has been allocated RM110 million of which RM90 million is to assist other religions and RM20 million to assist mission schools,” he said.

He further said the Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS)-led Sarawak government under the visionary leadership of Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg has succeeded in building a strong multi-religious and multi-racial society.

Thus, he said that Sarawakians should not take that success for granted but instead should continue to build on that effort.

“This unity and spirit of goodwill should be emulated and become a model that has the value of sustainability, courtesy and respect for each other which are crucial to propel Sarawak towards prosperity and (becoming) a high-income region,” he added. — DayakDaily
