Be vigilant of outside influences that can disrupt unity — Uggah

(from right) Uggah, Karambir and others looking at the building plan.

MIRI, Aug 3: Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas has reminded Sarawakians to be wary of outside influences that can disrupt the peace and harmony in the state.

He said the people of various race and religions in Sarawak have always maintained strong unity. However, the people must always be vigilant of “outsiders” trying to disrupt this peace and solidarity.

“Maintaining the peace and harmony among various races (in Sarawak) is something we must hold on to, please do not let ‘outsider’ split us,” said Uggah after presenting a RM1 million cheque to Miri Indian Association, here, today.


Association president Karambir Singh was present to receive the cheque.

Uggah (4th right) presenting the cheque to Karambir.

The fund, from the state government’s Unit for Other Religions (Unifor), would help the association complete their community hall.

Uggah, who is the minister-in-charge of Unifor, expressed pride of seeing Sarawakians, irrespective of race and religion, live harmoniously with one another.

“This peace looks natural to us, but it can be fragile. One wrong move, it can shatter. Therefore we must preserve and maintain it. We must take care of Sarawak from irresponsible people that are trying to split us, this is our home,” he said.

A total of RM1.5 million was needed to complete the Indian multi-faith community centre, which is scheduled for completion in the middle of next year.

After the event, Uggah, who is also the State Disaster Management Committee chairman, a meeting will be held to discuss precautionary measures following rampant open burning activities in the neighbouring country (Kalimantan).

“We will direct relevant agencies to take extra precautionary action to prepare for any possibilities during this coming dry season,” he said. — DayakDaily
