Bau Travelogue Day 5: Pitcher plant marvels and mushroom-laden paths to Bronang Waterfall in Singai

Highest tier of the Bronang Waterfall in Singai, Bau. Photo taken on May 22, 2024.

By D’Diggers Team

BAU, May 23: Embark on an enchanting journey in Singai, Bau, where carnivorous pitcher plants and vibrant mushrooms can be found along a verdant trail leading to the stunning Bronang Waterfall.

Pitcher plants thrive in abundance in Bau, particularly along the trail leading to the waterfall. These carnivorous plants grow in clusters, carpeting the ground and curling up trees like abundant grapevines.


Seeing so many pitcher plants flourishing in the wild at once was truly a spectacle, and a rare and unforgettable opportunity.

According to Royston, the 39-year-old local guide for D’Diggers Team, the pitcher plants we saw are among several types commonly used to make a Bidayuh delicacy, pitcher plant rice.

Pitcher plants, also referred to as ‘monkey pots’ for their pot-like shape, are commonly found in the wild, leading locals to humorously suggest that monkeys use them as makeshift ‘kitchen utensils’.

Along the trail, various mushrooms can be spotted, some resembling cabbage, others resembling plates, and a few possessing such vivid yellow hues that they almost appear luminescent.

The D’Diggers Team spent ample time observing the abundance of pitcher plants and mushrooms, marvelling at their sheer numbers throughout the entire hike towards Bronang Waterfall.

A cluster of pitcher plants found on the forest floor.
A mushroom spotted along the trail to Bronang Waterfall.
Mushrooms shaped like plates found along the trail.
Cabbage-shaped mushroom found along the trail.
Yellow mushrooms found along the trail.

The trail we took began from Adis Buan Homestay, a path which the locals believe is far easier than the entrance by Kampung Daun.

“That (Kampung Daun) trail is three times harder than this (Adis Buan Homestay) trail,” said another guide, 64-year-old Eric who is also the president of Bronang Nature Adventures.

Despite Eric’s assurance, the current trail still presented a challenge, requiring the D’Diggers Team to scramble on all fours at one point along the way.

With each step feeling heavier than the last, the call of the beautiful Bronang Waterfall served as motivation to persevere, overriding the discomfort of our aching muscles.

Eric informed us that the trail we were taking to Bronang Waterfall was the same route which was used for the Spartan Classic Trail Run last year (2023).

We made our way to the highest waterfall tier. It offered an ideal spot for relaxation, with the opportunity to meditate while feeling the cool rush of water on top of our heads.

Following a short break at the highest tier, Eric and Royston led us to the lower tier which they described as a perfect location for picnics and swimming.

The descent requires caution, particularly when navigating the slippery slopes along the water’s edge. It’s advisable to wear ‘kampung adidas’ and other suitable footwear to ensure a smoother journey.

The lower tier proved to be an even more inviting spot, providing a spacious flat area where one can comfortably sit and relax. There is also a pool of water by the waterfall that provides the perfect opportunity for swimming or simply dipping one’s feet.

Timing was on our side as heavy rain had persisted since the previous night. However, just before our hike began, the rain relented, blessing us with a pleasantly cool atmosphere for our ascent.

The journey to Bronang Waterfall encompassed a round trip of approximately five-and-a-half hours. We began our trek from Adis Buan Homestay at 9:07am and concluded our adventure at 2:25pm.

The lower tier of the Bronang Waterfall has a pool.

Bronang Waterfall poised to be major tourism attraction in Bau

According to Eric, the Sarawak government has allocated RM40 million to develop the area leading to Bronang Waterfall into one of the major tourism attractions in Singai, Bau.

This project, which includes building roads to the waterfall and establishing other facilities such as homestays and rest stops, was initiated and led by Tasik Biru assemblyman, Dato Henry Harry Jinep, who is also Deputy Minister of Transport (Riverine and Maritime).

Eric said the road project spans approximately 3km, with phase 1 covering 2km already completed, and phase 2 currently underway in its development.

“It would be easier for visitors to come. They (visitors) won’t have to walk so far like we are doing now,” he said. — DayakDaily

Eric pointing at the marked area where Phase 2 of the road construction leading to Bronang Waterfall is located.