Bau to be part of new branding exercise for Sarawak Delta Geo Park tourism

Nurul Ain (fourth left), ringing the gong to officiate Pesta Tasik Biru 2023.

KUCHING, Oct 27: Tourism Malaysia state director Nurul Ain Muhammed Yunus has announced that Bau will play a significant role in their new branding initiative to promote Sarawak Delta Geo Park (SDGP) tourism in Sarawak.

Nurul Ain disclosed that as part of this initiative, during a recent Tourism Malaysia workshop in the region, they hosted 20 travel agents, including those from Peninsular Malaysia, to explore Bau, which is situated within the SDGP area.

The agents visited various places of interest, such as Tasik Biru, Paku Rock Maze, Serembu Eco Resort, and more.


“As part of a new branding exercise for SDGP tourism in the State, we have asked the travel agents to package these places of interest in Bau,” explained Nurul Ain.

She made these remarks while officiating at the Pesta Tasik Biru 2023 on behalf of the Deputy Secretary-General of the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, and Culture (MOTAC), Datuk Mohd Zamri Mat Zain.

Nurul Ain emphasized that MOTAC’s initiatives are aimed at enhancing the recognition and improvement of places of interest that may have lacked attention.

Regarding Pesta Tasik Biru, which was held from Oct 27 to 29, she praised it as a focal point that reflects the community spirit and efforts of the Bau District in promoting the area’s rich heritage and natural beauty.

Nurul Ain stressed that Pesta Tasik Biru is not just a local festival but also a platform to strengthen community unity and boost tourism and economic development in Bau.

She highlighted that such festivals play a significant role in the country’s economic growth and can contribute to increased economic income and positive impacts for Malaysians, in line with the National Tourism Policy.

Nurul Ain expressed confidence that through these initiatives, the Bau District can showcase the world the area’s natural beauty, extraordinary culture, and the spirit and cooperation of the local community.

She concluded by hoping that the festival will continue to grow, benefit local residents, and gain broader recognition in the future.

Bau District Officer and Chairman of Pesta Tasik Biru 2023, Constantine Gerald David Jonas, was also present at the event. — DayakDaily
