Baru rebuts PBDSB’s statement, reiterates PKR’s anti-hudud stance


KUCHING, Oct 17: State PKR chairman Baru Bian said it was ‘unprofessional and unbecoming’ of aspiring politicians to make untruthful statements for political mileage.

He said this in a statement today rebutting an earlier statement by PBDSB president Cobbold John carried in a daily today. PBDSB had alleged that PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail had expressed support for the implementation of hudud, which indirectly showed opposition coalition Pakatan Harapan’s (PH) support for the Islamic state concept

“This statement is either made in ignorance or in malice. Cobbold John should check his facts before trying to mislead people by putting words in the mouths of others.


“He should know that one of the reasons PAS left the PR coalition was PKR’s firm stand against the RUU355 (Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act) hudud bill introduced by (Datuk Seri Abdul) Hadi Awang in parliament, which is yet to be debated. DS Wan Azizah had said that it is the right of any MP to submit a bill but she had also said on many more occasions that PKR MPs will vote against the bill if it is debated and put to the vote.

Baru reiterated that PKR Sarawak had made its stand clear through its many statements that it is firmly against hudud and attempts by certain parties, PAS and UMNO to turn Malaysia into an Islamic country.

“The general election draws near, and many are now eyeing the opportunity to contest, and trying to increase their visibility and presence in the media and public.

“However, to do so by making untruthful statements is simply unprofessional and unbecoming of an aspiring politician. Let us not adopt UMNO’s brand of politics in Sarawak.” —DayakDaily
