Bandar Kuching MP condemns petrol bomb attacks on KK Mart stores, calls for unity amidst heightened tensions

Dr Kelvin Yii

KUCHING, April 2: Amidst the escalating tensions in Sarawak, Bandar Kuching MP Dr Kelvin Yii Lee Yuen condemns the recent petrol bomb attacks targeting three KK Mart stores across different states following the ‘Allah socks’ controversy.

In a media statement released today, Dr Yii highlighted the gravity of the situation and called for calm and tolerance, adding that Sarawakians should not accept such acts of hate and prevent its normalisation within the State and country.

He expressed his disbelief that such violence occurred in Kuching itself, a place which is supposedly known for its unity and harmony.


He said these acts of hate must be stopped before it escalates any further, and whoever continues to incite and propagate hatred must face the full extent of the law.

“We must not take this lightly and all parties must make a deliberate attempt to de-escalate the situation and spread understanding and respect,” Dr Yii said.

He called for all to move towards unity and seize the opportunity of the situation to nurture better understanding with others, regardless of race, religion, or background, ensuring that such instances will not recur. — DayakDaily
