Aspirasi picks George Young as GE15 candidate for Puncak Borneo

Soo (right) presenting a party shirt to George at the event.

KUCHING, Sept 5: Sarawak People’s Aspiration Party (Aspirasi) will field party chairman George Young Si Ricord Jr to contest in P198 Puncak Borneo in the upcoming 15th General Election.

Party president Lina soo made the official announcement during the “Jelajah Bersama Aspirasi” programme which kicked off yesterday (Sept 4) at a cafe in Sumur Bunuk in the Puncak Borneo constituency.

Soo emphasised that the task and responsibility of determining a worthy party candidate, while being overshadowed by negotiations with other parties, was a great challenge.


“But the candidacy of brother George Young was successfully agreed upon and well received by the members of the Puncak Borneo branch,” she said in a statement today.

George expressed his appreciation to the party’s Supreme Council and party president for their support, confidence, belief and endorsement.

He expressed his belief that the party is the ideal political platform to voice the hopes and aspirations of the Puncak Borneo voters.

“This is the party initiated by the late Dr Patau (Rubis) especially for the betterment of the Bidayuh community,” he said.

Dr Patau founded the State Reform Party (Star) in the 1990s and it was later rebranded as Aspirasi in February 2020.

With its campaign slogan of “Parti Adup Ta” (Our Party), George said he and his team will continue to work with the community as partners in their political journey.

“It will also serve as a backdrop to initiate programmes as well as listen very carefully to the voices on the ground to ensure it produces the right kind of solutions,” he added. — DayakDaily
