APHM asks Premier to ease S’wak immigration law to allow peninsula doctors to work in private hospitals with fewer restrictions

Dr Kuljit speaking during the dinner at a local hotel tonight (Oct 27, 2022). Screenshot taken from a Sarawak Public Communications Unit (Ukas) Facebook livestream.

By Ashley Sim

KUCHING, Oct 27: Association of Private Hospitals Malaysia (APHM) president Datuk Dr Kuljit Singh requests that Sarawak’s immigration law be relaxed to allow West Malaysian doctors to work in private hospitals with fewer restrictions.

He stated that this is to raise the level of high technology and promote cutting-edge healthcare delivery in Sarawak, which will benefit the people of the State as well as private hospitals.


“We hope that if there are no “anak Sarawak” available for certain types of subspecialists, experts from the peninsula can be allowed to work in private medical centres under certain conditions.

“I am sure that this can be discussed further to loosen further, even though it is currently being done with strict restrictions,” Dr Kuljit told Sarawak Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg during his speech tonight at the ‘Networking Dinner with APHM’ event at a local hotel.

He also urged the Sarawak Health Department to expedite the approval of public specialists to practise in private hospitals, while emphasising that public healthcare delivery should not be jeopardised.

“If we have more public specialists working in private, and West Malaysian specialists working in private healthcare in Sarawak, we are confident that Sarawak will be a hub for medical treatment in Borneo,” he added.

Also present were Abang Johari, Sarawak Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas, and Sarawak State Health director Dr Ooi Choo Huck. — DayakDaily
