Anwar: I am free because of every Malaysian who voted for PH


SIBU, Sept 8: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim attributed his freedom to every Malaysian who voted for Pakatan Harapan (PH) in the last general election (GE14).

Speaking in a hall here filled with about 2,000 people tonight, Anwar bowed to them as a gesture of thanks, saying that GE14 was a Malaysian tsunami, across the country and the world.

“I am very grateful to all of you. You practised your rights that day by voting for PH. All of you got up and said ‘enough is enough, we change!’


“If it wasn’t because of your determination, I would still be sitting in jail today,” he said.

Adding that the last election was a major breakthrough for Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Anwar said he didn’t expect the Puncak Borneo parliamentary seat to fall.

“If Selangau or Julau can win, I am not surprised. But to hear that we won in Puncak Borneo, that is a big tsunami.

“Why? Because it is the people’s awareness to bring about changes to reform,” he said.

Among those present at the event was Minister of Works Baru Bian. — DayakDaily
