Analyst: PM is out of the woods, his position safe after nod for Budget

Prof Dr Jayum Jawan

KUCHING, Nov 26: Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s administration is now safe after the passing of Budget 2021 in Parliament today, opined a political analyst Professor Dr Jayum Jawan.

Additionally, he asserted that it would not be wise for the opposition to object to the Bill during the present Covid-19 pandemic as it would cause the present government to fall and to allow a snap election to be held.

“In any event, it is not wise to bring down a government to have a general election during this pandemic. Politics can be deferred till a suitable time that is more suitable and does not harm potential rakyat’s welfare,” Proj Jayum told DayakDaily here today.


He added that not many MPs would want to be associated with rejecting the budget and really blocked as it would mean shutting down the government and functions of governing.

“The ramification is more widespread than just politicking. In any event, the ruling party has the majority to see through the budget.

“Even in liberal America, the budget may arouse hot debate but in the end, compromises ensure the government doesn’t shut down due to budget not being passed,” he said.

Jayum reiterated that the MPs were not scared of not be seen listening to the advice of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to support the Bill but rather, they are afraid to face their voters.

“They are scared of the voters as general elections could be called anytime, and that if they give rakyat a hard time, they will pay for that in the elections. So they are thinking of their asses more than anything else,” he said, without mincing his words.

However, he believed that the MPs supported the Bill as it is fair and even better compared to previous budgets.

Budget 2021 was passed in Parliament this afternoon after it was read for the third time by Finance Minister Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Abdul Aziz. – DayakDaily
