Adhere to SOP during Gawai Dayak, Ismail Sabri reminds public

Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob - file pic

KUCHING, May 31: Senior Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob reminds those celebrating Hari Gawai Dayak to adhere to the festive season’s standard operating procedure (SOP) in order to curb the spread of Covid-19.

According to Ismail Sabri, the SOP includes keeping gatherings to only the first day of the celebration, and not exceeding more than 20 people in one house.

He also encouraged that the festive season be celebrated among close family members only.


“I believe with the spread of the pandemic, it has change preparation and the celebration of the festive season. We all have to adapt to the new norm and at the same time ensure that self-discipline is being practised in order to curb the spread of the pandemic.

“For those celebrating Hari Gawai in Sarawak, it is hoped that everyone is happy and safe during the festive season, even though it is celebrated moderately and in compliance with the SOP. To all Sarawakians, I would also like to wish a Selamat Hari Gawai celebration,” he said during a press conference to provide daily Covid-19 (non-health) updates at Putrajaya, today.

On another note, Ismail Sabri also disclosed that Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) throughout the country has been allowed to resume normal operating hours.

He said previously, under the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO), the operating times for ATMs was only allowed from 8am until 8pm.

“The government has decided that the ATM operation time will resume normally as before the implementation of the CMCO, in order to facilitate public convenience,” he added.

Ismail Sabri also noted that regardless of any announcement made by the government on the end of the CMCO, self-discipline by the public is still important in order to protect themselves, family members and also the community as a whole.

“I also would like to call on all community leaders in the country to play their role as the government’s frontliners, in adivising and reminding their own community to continue to comply with the SOP set by the government,” he added. — DayakDaily
