Abang Jo launches Sarawak Pay in Sebauh

Abang Johari (seated fourth from right) posing for a group photo with other state dignitaries, invited guests and members of the public after the launch.

By Jaythaleela K

BINTULU, July 21: Sebauh has become the first district outside Kuching to be catered to by the Sarawak Pay app following its launch here this afternoon by Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg.

Speaking at the launching today, Abang Johari stressed that the Sarawak government is always committed to bringing technology to the rural areas.


“We do not want rural areas left behind with the advancement of today’s technology,” he said, adding it was the state government’s vision to bring technology applications to rural areas.

Sebauh, district in Bintulu with a population of nearly 21,000, is located about 30km from Bintulu town.

Abang Johari who is also Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) president, said the launch was indicative of the Sarawak government’s commitment and approach to reaching out to rural residents.

Sarawak Pay is an e-wallet application for customers to conduct cashless transaction using smartphones.

Abang Johari said the Sarawak Pay app would add convenience to daily living.

“You can make day-to-today transactions at any time and at any place, no hassle,” he said.

He also acknowledged that people needed time to adapt to new technology.

The chief minister expressed his belief that within three years’ time, people in this state will be widely using technology in various aspects of their lives not only in digital economy, but also in the agriculture sector.

Sarawak Pay is initiated by the Sarawak Multimedia Authority (SMA) and supported by Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN).

In lined with today’s launching, Abang Johari also announced RM15 million in allocations to help boost Sebauh’s Internet speed.

Another allocation worth RM36 million was also announced today to improve and upgrade Sebauh’s infrastructure facilities.

Also present were Sarawak Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Dr James Jemut Masing, Minister of Utilities Datuk Seri Dr Stephen Rundi Utom, Minister in the Chief Minister’s Department (Integrity and Ombudsman) Datuk Talib Zulpilip, Assistant Minister of Local Government Datu Dr Penguang Manggil who is also Marudi assemblyman, Bintulu MP Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing, former Sarawak deputy chief minister Tan Sri Alfred Jabu Numpang and acting State Secretary Datu Jaul Samion. ā€” DayakDaily
