64yo Sibu woman with no morbidities amongst 13 Covid-19 deaths reported today, 2 BIDs

Covid-19 (File photo)

KUCHING, Oct 31: Sarawak today records thirteen Covid-19 deaths and among them, were two cases of brought-in-dead (BID).

According to a report by State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) on the update of the Covid-19 situation in Sarawak today, the 13 Covid-19 patients passed away between Oct 12 and Oct 29.

One death was reported on Oct 12. It involved a 79-year-old man from Betong who had hypertension, diabetes and heart disease. The deceased was also one of the BID cases.


Subsequently on Oct 27, a 56-year-old man from Sibu who had hypertension, diabetes and asthma also succumbed to Covid-19.

On Oct 28, four Covid-19 patients passed away.

The first involved an 82-year-old woman from Kuching who had hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidemia.

The other three were from Sibu, involving a 59-year-old woman who had hypetension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, heart and chronic kidney diseases, a 69-year-old woman who had hypertension and heart disease, and a 90-year-old man who was BID and had heart disease.

Thereafter, seven Covid-19 patients died on Oct 29.

Two were from Sibu, involving a 67-year-old man who had hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, heart and chronic kidney disease, and a 64-year-old woman who did not have any history of illness.

The third involved a 78-year-old man from Limbang who had chronic lung disease.

Three more were from Kuching, a 67-year-old man who had hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia and heart disease, and two men with hypertension aged 74 and 91.

Lastly, the seventh was from Kapit involving a 80-year-old woman who had hypertension, heart and chronic kidney disease.

With the additional 13 Covid-19 fatalities, the death toll for Covid-19 in Sarawak now stands at 1,334. — DayakDaily
