326 Raspberry Pi computers make their way to primary schools in Baram

Dr Penguang Manggil (third from right) presenting the Raspberry Pi computers at the event.

By Jaythaleela K

MIRI, Nov 13: A total 326 units of ‘Raspberry Pi’ computers have been allocated to primary schools under the Baram education office (PPD) via a programme initated by the Sarawak government to ensure students in rural areas are not left behind when it comes to online learning.

According to Marudi incumbent Datu Dr Penguang Manggil, the effort made by the State government is to ensure students to have an access to online learning programmes.


“It is my hope that all the computers given to the schools will be fully utilised to improve the teaching and learning in class as well as to foster innovation and digital skills amongst the children,” he emphasised.

Speaking at the handing over the miniature computers for primary schools for PPD Baram on Saturday, he added, the effort was made in line with the State’s digital economy agenda, to ensure children in Sarawak are exposed to computers and information communications technology (ICT) at an early age.

The simple handing over ceremony was held at a leading hotel here.

He noted that the lack of basic computer facilities and internet connectivity remains a huge challenge for many of the schools, which necessitates intervention initiatives by the State government.

“With respect to this, the Sarawak government, through the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Research (MESTR), has embarked on a programme to equip all 1,265 primary schools in the State with basic computer facilities, where each school is given between three to 25 units of Raspberry Pi computers, depending on its student population,” he said.

One of the advantages of a Raspberry Pi computer is its ‘Internet-in-a-box’ function that allows students to access learning content or materials preloaded in the device via an intranet network.

This is especially useful for teachers to facilitate student learning at schools that do not have internet access because the Pi will provide the experience of accessing preloaded materials without the internet.

“This will allow students to have some knowledge or understanding when they are exposed to the internet later,” he opined.

Also present was incumbent for Mulu Dato Gerawat Gala.
