2,000 brave rain to join 722 Sarawak Day rally at Song Kheng Hai


KUCHING, July 22: About 2,000 people from all walks of life, far and near, assembled at the Song Kheng Hai field in Padungan here today from as early as 6am, to celebrate what is arguably Sarawak’s most important occasion, Sarawak Day.

Most of the crowd gathered at Jubilee Park before marching to Song Kheng Hai field, braving the heavy rain.

Organised by Kuching Tradition Handicraft Studies Society, the event also saw participation by Sarawak for Sarawakians (S4S), members of Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak Baru (PBDSB) and even some from Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP).


Organising chairman of the rally from S4S William Manggor welcomed all participants who, despite the heavy rain, insisted to march on foot and stand in the middle of the field for the rally.

PBDSB deputy president Andrew Puro in his speech later urged the state and federal governments to stop playing politics and to be serious in serving Sarawak and its people.

Lawyer from Miri and former Miri Municipal Council chairman Lawrence Lai and Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) Youth secretary-general Milton Foo also made speeches.

After that, participants took part in a mock referendum poll which asked if Sarawak is being treated fairly by the federal government.

No untoward incidents happened throughout the rally and the crowd then proceeded with a march to Padang Merdeka around 9.50am to join the main 722 Malaysia Day assembly organised by Sarawak Association for Peoples’ Aspirations (Sapa) led by its president Dominique Ng. — DayakDaily
